Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections

The Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections contain 45 full-text titles from the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Nearly 93,000 issues are available. In addition to newspapers, the collection includes trade journals from different fields. Access is free. You can register and help correct the OCR text so that information will be easier for others to find.

Some of my ancestors lived in Illinois, so this resource is very useful to me. I have already found many items of interest. I learned where my paternal grandparents  Henry Cornelius Gatlin and Helen Martha Marie Anderson held their wedding reception.

 True Republican, 24 June 1939, page 4. Available from Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections.

I learned that my grandfather Henry Gatlin was on the committee that was in charge of the arrangements for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's annual summer field day.

Chicago Packer, 16 July 1938, page 2. Available from Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections.

I learned that my great-grandparents Edward Theodore Anderson and Ellen Victoria (Dahlquist) Anderson traveled from Florida to Lakeside, Michigan in 1957 so they could celebrate my great-grandfather's 75th birthday with family at my grandparents' summer home.

True Republican, 16 August 1957, page 2. Available from Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections.

Some news from out of state is included as well. I found out that my great-grandfather's brother William D. Gatlin, who served four prison sentences, escaped from jail in Bloomington, Indiana in 1912.

The Day Book, vol. 1 no. 306, 18 September 1912, page 25. Available from Illinois Digital Newspaper Collections.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Mappy Monday: Tamaulipas, Mexico

Map of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Available from http://web.archive.org/web/20111126162506/http://mexicochannel.net/maps/tamaulipas_sct.jpg.

This map shows the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. My maternal grandmother's brother Carl Schneider lived in Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas, Mexico at the end of his life and died there in 1974.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Czech Statehood Day/St. Wenceslas Day

St. Wenceslas Basilica, Stará Boleslav. Photo by Boleslav (Own work) [Public domain]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

Since the year 2000, September 28, St. Wenceslas Day, has been a public holiday in the Czech Republic. It is celebrated as Czech Statehood Day. Wenceslas (or Wenceslaus), also known as Václav, is the patron saint of the Czech Republic. He was Duke of Bohemia and reigned for seven years during the 10th century. He spread Christianity throughout Bohemia. He was murdered while on his way to church to celebrate the feasts of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Stará Boleslav, probably in 935, but possibly in 929.According to legend, he was murdered by his younger brother Boleslav.

Celebrations are held at Prague Castle, the residence of the President of the Czech Republic. A wreath is placed on the statue of St. Wenceslas, and St. Wenceslas medals are awarded to individuals who contributed to Czech statehood.

A pilgrimage to Stará Boleslav, the site of his assassination, takes place. This tradition was started by Charles IV, and was re-established in 2003. The Archbishop of Prague brings to Stará Boleslav. The relic arrives in a procession, along with priests and bishops. It is placed on the altar at St. Wenceslas Basilica.

Religious services are held throughout the country. On 28 September 2009, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated mass at Stará Boleslav.

Caroline Uhlik, the wife of my great-great-grandfather's brother John William (Johann Wilhelm) Schneider, was from Bohemia. 

Pope Benedict XVI in Stará Boleslav, Czech Republic, 28 September 2009. Photo by Boleslav (Own work) [Public domain]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

About St. Wenceslas and September 28 in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic: Holidays and Festivals. Global Road Warrior.

Czech Statehood Day
Czech Statehood Day (St. Wenceslas Day). (2010). In Helene Henderson (Ed.), Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary. Available from Credo Reference.
Dennis, Matthew, ed. Czech Republic: Holidays and Celebrations. World Geography and Culture Online. Facts On File, Inc.
Feast Day of Czech Patron Saint, St Wenceslas, in His Martyrdom
Pilgrimage to Celebrate St. Wenceslas
Saint Wenceslas to Ride in Presidential Vehicle
Stará Boleslav - The Town Where St. Wenceslas Was Slain
The Treasury. The Holy Relic Skull of St. Wenceslas.
Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia

Saturday, September 27, 2014

52 Ancestors: #39 Helen Martha Marie (Anderson) Gatlin

Today would have been the 103rd birthday of my paternal grandmother, Helen Martha Marie (Anderson) Gatlin. Helen was born on 27 September 1911 at Englewood Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. She was the firstborn child of Edward Theodore Anderson and Ellen Victoria Dahlquist. Her two middle names were the first names of her paternal grandmother, Martha Elizabeth Erickson, and her maternal grandmother, Marie Louise Borg.

On 2 December 1936, at the time that she filled out her application for a Social Security account number, Helen was working for Edwin Kirschbraun. He was an executive in the butter industry.

On 20 June 1939, her parents' 29th wedding anniversary, Helen married Henry Cornelius Gatlin at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Chicago. They were married by  H. E. Sandstedt. Their wedding reception was at the Fairfax Hotel.

Helen and Henry had a son and a daughter. They lived in Chicago at first, and then moved to Park Ridge, Illinois. They attended the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Chicago and St. Luke Lutheran Church in Park Ridge. In 1959, they moved to Ridgewood, New Jersey. They became members of West Side Presbyterian Church. After many years in Ridgewood, they moved to West Milford, New Jersey.

Henry died on 29 December 2001. Helen died on 30 September 2005, three days after her 94th birthday. I sang the Lord's Prayer at her memorial service, just like I did at my grandfather's. Their ashes were interred at West Side Presbyterian Church Memorial Garden on 13 May 2007.

Grandma Gatlin was very proud of her Swedish heritage. I fondly remember her rice pudding. I still have the Dala horse that she gave me when I was a child.

Report of Birth. Baby Anderson. State of Illinois, Cook County. Vital Statistics Department, County Clerk's Office. Dated 28 September 1911.

 Ellen (Dahlquist) Anderson with daughter Helen, 19 December 1911

 Helen, 1913

Inscription on back: Helen with pkge of linen, at my shower.

Helen in her wedding gown

Henry and Helen Gatlin

Friday, September 26, 2014

Family Recipe Friday: Grandma Boe's Chili

This is the recipe for my maternal grandmother Margaret Ann (Schneider) Boe's chili.

I am now a vegetarian, but the recipe can be modified; ground veggie crumbles can be substituted for ground beef. The chili is still good this way!

Oyster crackers were added to the chili before it was served.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Grandparents' Anniversary

My maternal grandparents John Boe and Margaret Ann Schneider married 75 years ago today, on 25 September 1939. They were married by Rev. Robert A. McCann in Indianapolis, Marion County Indiana. His wife Tura was the witness.

Marriage records, Marion County, Indiana : Ministers' returns for the Board of Health reported to the Clerk, Circuit Court, Indianapolis, Ind. Apr. 11-May 31, 1929 to June 1944. Pt. 10: Sept. 16-30, 1939. Digitized by the Internet Archive for the  Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Original records from the Marion County Clerk's Office. Available from https://archive.org/details/marriagerecordsm16301939mari.

Margaret and John Boe in Hawaii

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Peruvian Armed Forces Day

Minister of Defense Pedro Cateriano Bellido participated in the celebratory events for the 36th anniversary of the Peruvian Armed Forces. President of the Council of Ministers, Juan Jiménez Mayor, presided over the main ceremony. 24 September 2013. Photo by Galeria del Ministerio de Defensa de Perú CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]. Available from Flickr and Wikimedia Commons.

On 24 September 1977, Día de las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú (Peruvian Armed Forces Day) was established by Supreme Decree Nº 003-77- CCFFAA. The Virgen de la Merced (Virgin of Mercy) was consecrated as patron of the military, and became the spiritual guide to the soldiers of Peru.

El Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú (Joint Command of the Armed Forces of Peru) was created on 1 February 1957 when Supreme Decree Nº 002-GM/1 was approved.

The Peruvian Army is divided into four military regions with headquarters in Lima, Arequipa, Iquitos, and Piura. Each region has brigades which include armored, cavalry, and infantry.

The Peruvian Navy is divided into five naval zones with headquarters in Lima, Arequipa, Iquitos, Piura, and Pucallpa. Its troops are divided between Pacific Operations, the Amazon Operations General Commands, and the Coast Guard. The gun cruiser BAP Almirante Grau (CLM-81) is the flagship of the Peruvian Navy.

The Peruvian Air Force is divided into six wing areas with headquarters in  Lima, Arequipa, Chiclayo, Iquitos, Piura, and Rioja.

The National Police of Peru is sometimes classified as a military service because it has land, sea, and air forces which are used for anti-terrorism.

Ceremonies are held to commemorate Armed Forces Day. The day's activities may include Mass, a procession, addresses by officials (including the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, the Minister of Defense, and the President of Peru), and a minute of silence in remembrance of those who gave their lives in service.

My sister-in-law is from Peru.

Minister of Defense Pedro Cateriano Bellido participated in the celebratory events for the 36th anniversary of the Peruvian Armed Forces. President of the Council of Ministers, Juan Jiménez Mayor, presided over the main ceremony. 24 September 2013. Photo by Galeria del Ministerio de Defensa de Perú. Photo by Galeria del Ministerio de Defensa de Perú [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)]. Available from Flickr and Wikimedia Commons.

Armed Forces Day marked in capital of Peru
Ceremonia por el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas en Pucallpa
Día de las Fuerzas Armadas
Día de las Fuerzas Armadas del Perú
Joint Command of the Armed Forces of Peru
Marina de Guerra del Perú participó en ceremonia central por el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas y en Misa Te Deum
Ministro de Defensa y Jefe del CCFFAA asisten a la Ceremonia Central por 36° Aniversario del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas
Peruvian Armed Forces 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tombstone Tuesday: Residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home

Lot 00LS is the section of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri which is reserved for the residents of the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home. The area is marked with a single monument, which is inscribed:


My great-grandfather John Schneider's brother Rudolph Schneider (born 21 September 1886 in Remagen, Ahrweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany) died in the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home in St. Louis, Missouri on 16 February 1955. He was buried in Section 13W of Lot 00LS.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Independence Day (Bulgaria)

Български: Манифестът за независимостта (Bulgarian Manifesto of Independence). Ferdinand I of Bulgaria. 22 September 1908. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

Bulgaria's independence from the Ottoman Empire was proclaimed by Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria on 22 September 1908 according to the Julian calendar (Old Style), 5 October 1908 according to the Gregorian calendar (New Style). Independence was proclaimed at Holy Forty Martyrs Church in Veliko Tarnovo.

Independence Day is celebrated on September 22. Veliko Tarnovo is the center of the celebrations. This year there will be a service at Holy Forty Martyrs Church, a flag blessing ceremony at Vasil Levski National Military University, a flag-raising ceremony, public addresses by statesman and officials, concerts, chain dances, and a laser show at the medieval stronghold Tsarevets. In Sofia, events will begin at Alexander of Battenberg Square. There will be an address by the mayor of Sofia. The Sofia Brass Band will perform in front of the Monument to the Unknown Soldier.

I have Bulgarian family members; my cousin's wife is Bulgarian, and their children, my first cousins once removed, are half Bulgarian.

Bulgaria marks Independence Day 
Bulgaria's capital to mark Independence Day
Bulgaria's Veliko Tarnovo to mark Independence Day
Bulgarian Declaration of Independence

Sunday, September 21, 2014

52 Ancestors: #38 Johann Nagel

Johann Nagel (my 3rd-great-grandfather) and his daughter Christina (my great-great-grandmother)

My 3rd-great-grandfather Johann Nagel was born in Hermülheim, Rhein-Erft, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany on 19 April 1814. He was the son of Peter Nagel and Christina Leÿ. His birth was registered in Hürth. Hermülheim is now part of Hürth. At the time of his birth, Hürth was occupied by French Revolutionary troops, so his birth record is in French.

Jean Nagel birth registration. Hürth (Rheinland). Bürgermeisterei. Zivilstandsregister, 1800-1875. Geburten 1800-1831. International Film 1237620. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1978, 1979, 1981. 

On 31 August 1848, Johann married my 3rd-great-grandmother Anna Maria Aussem.

Marriage registration, Johann Nagel and Anna Maria Aussem. Hürth (Rheinland). Bürgermeisterei. Zivilstandsregister, 1800-1875. Heiraten 1846-1875. International Film 1237627. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Genealogical Society of Utah, 1978, 1979, 1981. 

 Anna Maria Aussem was the widow of Wilhelm Esser and had a 10-year-old son, Peter. Johann and Anna Maria had a son, Mathias (probably named after her father, Mathias Aussem), on 17 March 1845, three years before their marriage. He was born with the name Mathias Aussem, but later used the name Mathias Nagel. After their marriage, three daughters were born in Kendenich, Rhein-Erft, Nordrhein-Westfalen (now part of Hürth): Theresia (born 19 August 1849), my great-great-grandmother Christina (born 27 February 1851), and Agnes (born 21 December 1855).

Johann Nagel's second wife was Anna Maria Klein. They had twins, Anna and Johann Nagel, born in Kendenich on 27 Dec 1862.

I have photos of my great-great-grandmother Christina Nagel which were taken in Bonn in 1871 and 1877, and she married in Bonn in 1878. Johann Nagel and his family may have moved to Bonn sometime between 1862 and 1871.

Christina and her husband Carl Joseph Schneider moved to Remagen, Ahrweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany after their marriage. Johann Nagel and Anna Maria Klein moved there as well. Johann was a baptismal sponsor for his grandson Johann Schneider (my great-grandfather) on 10 December 1878 at Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Remagen.

Johann was a Gärtner by trade. In addition to meaning gardener, the term also meant a farmer who owned only a little land who cultivated fruits and vegetables, but did not usually grow grains. European Roots Genealogy's list of old German professions provides more information on this trade and others.

Johann died in Remagen on 15 February 1891 and was buried on 19 February 1891.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Oktoberfest, München, 21 September 2013. Photo by Heribert Pohl  [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival which is held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany from late September to the first weekend in October. This year it is being held from 20 September to 5 October 2014.

The first Oktoberfest was held in 1810 and was a celebration of the marriage of Therese von Saxe-Hildburghausen and Ludwig I of Bavaria. The fields in front of the city gates were named Theresienwiese ("Therese's meadow") and are now also referred by the abbreviated name "Wiesn".

At noon on 20 September, the mayor of Munich will tap the first keg of beer. There will be 14 beer tents. Traditional Bavarian food will be available, including roast chicken, roast pork, sausages, and dumplings. There will be amusement rides and games. On the first Sunday, the costume parade will march through the streets of Munich.

There is an Oktoberfest app which provides information about the beer tents, the history of Oktoberfest, and Bavarian expressions. Oktoberfest.de has Webcams, so you can view the festival even if you are unable to attend.


Friday, September 19, 2014

National POW/MIA Recognition Day

2014 National POW/MIA Recognition Day poster. Available from Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office.

The third Friday in September is National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Prisoners of war and missing Americans are honored on this day. The first POW/MIA Recognition Day was observed on July 18, 1979, after President Jimmy Carter issued Proclamation 4664 on June 4, 1979. Until 1995, National POW/MIA Recognition Day legislation was introduced every year. Since then, a presidential proclamation has been signed annually. Commemorative posters are printed by the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office. Ceremonies are held throughout the country and at military installations around the world.

My 3rd-great-grandfather's brother John G. Gatlin was a prisoner of war at Rock Island Barracks in Rock Island, Illinois during the Civil War.

National POW/MIA Recognition Day
Presidential Proclamation --- National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2014
Recognition Day – Background

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Those Places Thursday: Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas, Mexico

After the death of his second wife Verna in 1970, my maternal grandmother's brother Carl Schneider left the United States and moved to Mexico. He died in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Ciudad Mante on 1 August 1974, and was buried in Ciudad Mante Cemetery.

Ciudad Mante is located in the extreme southern part of the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. It is the seat of the municipality of El Mante. In 2005, the population of Ciudad Mante was 81,884, and the population of El Mante was 112,061. Regional air traffic is handled by Ciudad Mante National Airport.

The economy of Ciudad Mante used to be based on sugar cane. The sugar mill, Ingenio el Mante,  opened in 1930. The official slogan of Mante is "Donde el Azucar es mas Dulce que la Miel." ("Where sugar is sweeter than honey.") Agricultural products such as sorghum, cotton, corn, and tomatoes are grown and exported. Other exports are mangos, fertilizer, and soap.

There are many tourist attractions in and around the area. Places to swim include El Nacimiento ("The Birthplace"), a spring located 7 miles from the city; La Aguja ("The Needle"), constructed between 1927 and 1929 along with a dam on the Mante River; and the beaches of Limon, located 7.5 miles away. Caverns in the Sierra de Cucharas mountain range include La Cava del Abra and La Gruta del Quintero.  El Cielo ("The Heaven") is a biosphere reserve which is inhabited by 175 species of migratory birds, 225 local fowl, butterflies, jaguars, ocelots, white-tailed deer, black bear, and other forms of wildlife. 4 wooden cabins are available.

The U.S. Department of State has issued a travel warning, advising the deferment of non-essential travel to Tamaulipas. The Mexican Drug War has led to violence in the area, including robberies, carjackings, kidnappings, and murder. Los Zetas control Ciudad Mante.

Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Available from MexicoEnFotos. My great-uncle Carl Schneider died here.
Zona Centro. Available from MexicoEnFotos.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Constitution Day

Constitution of the United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government, 1778 - 2006. National Archives Identifier: 1667751  Available from National Archives Online Public Access.

On 17 September 1787, the final draft of the Constitution was signed 39 delegates of the United States Constitutional Convention. Constitution Day was recognized by Iowa schools in 1911, and in 1917, the Sons of the American Revolution formed a committee to promote Constitution Day. In 2004, Constitution Day was established when Senator Robert Byrd added provisions to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of Fiscal Year 2005. September 17 had previously been known as Citizenship Day.

On Constitution Day, federal agencies and educational institutions which receive federal funds are required to provide educational programs about the history of the United States Constitution.

Commemorating Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day
Constitution Day Resources
Teaching with Documents: Observing Constitution Day

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

El Grito de Dolores/Mexican Independence Day

Municipal president giving the "grito" of "Viva Mexico" at the commencement of Independence Day festivities in Mexico at 11 PM, 15 Sept 2008. Photo by Thelmadatter (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0) or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

On 16 September 1810 in Dolores, Mexico, the Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave a speech known as El Grito de Dolores. He called for the end of 300 years of Spanish rule, redistribution of land, and racial equality. Since October 1825, Mexico's independence has been celebrated on September 16.

At around 11:00 PM on September 15, the president of Mexico rings the bell of the National Palace in Mexico City, shouts a "grito" based on El Grito de Dolores, and waves the Mexican flag. A military parade is held on September 16. Parties are held and flags are displayed. In September, schoolchildren often paint pictures and perform plays based on El Grito de Dolores and Mexican independence.

The wife of one of my cousins is from Mexico, and my maternal grandmother's brother Carl Schneider lived in Mexico at the end of his life.

Church and statue of Hidalgo. March 2004. Photo by Paigemorrison [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5), GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

El Grito de Dolores
Grito de Dolores
Mexican War of Independence begins
Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla
Teach September 16! El Grito de Dolores, Mexican independence, and the Zapatistas

Monday, September 15, 2014

National Hispanic Heritage Month

U.S. Army South celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month. 30 September 2009.  Photo by Army Sgt. Nina Ramon 345th Public Affairs Detachment (United States Army) [Public domain]. Available from the United States Army and Wikimedia Commons.

September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month. During the month, the histories, cultures, and contributions of Hispanic Americans are celebrated. September 15 was chosen as the starting date because it is Independence Day in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Also, September 16 is Independence Day in Mexico, and September 18 is Independence Day in Chile.

On 17 September 1968, Congress passed Public Law 90-498, which authorized the President to designate the week including September 15 and 16 as National Hispanic Heritage Week and on 24 December 1968, President Lyndon Johnson issued Proclamation 3869. On 17 August 1988, Public Law 100-402 was enacted, and the period between September 15 and October 15 was proclaimed National Hispanic Heritage Month.

Although I am not of Hispanic heritage, members of my family are. My sister-in-law is from Peru, and my niece is half Peruvian. The wife of one of my cousins is from Mexico.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

National Pet Memorial Day

More than 40 years ago, the International Association of Pet Cemeteries and Crematories established the second Sunday in September as National Pet Memorial Day. Pets are members of the family, so today I would like to honor my beloved pets that have passed away.

Sunshine (July 15, 1990 - November 13, 2010) was the first cat that was all mine. I adopted her when she was 8 weeks old. We had a very special bond.

Velvet (left, March 23, 1991 - March 23, 2001) and Ember (right, July 15, 1994 - July 6, 2009) were inseparable. Velvet was a blue point Birman. Ember was a Bombay. Velvet was an alpha female and Bombays like to be dominant, so it would seem more likely that they would not get along. However, they bonded almost instantly (within a few hours after Ember moved in) and were constantly together. Being co-dominant worked for them.

In May, I found three two-week old kittens abandoned in my backyard. Unfortunately two of them did not survive. I never even had a chance to name the tuxedo boy on the right. I called the girl on the left Willow because she was like a pussy willow: small, soft, and gray. Fortunately the tuxedo boy in the middle, Flash, is still with me.

Schatzi was my first cat. I got her as a kitten when I was four years old. I named her after my maternal grandparents's dog.

Fluffy was Schatzi's daughter. She was a medium-haired cat. I originally named her MarshmallowFluff, but her name was eventually shortened to Fluffy. Fluffy was born when I was 5 years old (and then we had Schatzi spayed). Schatzi is in this picture too, in the background.

Silky was my childhood dog. She was a Scottish Terrier. Sadly, she died of cancer at a fairly young age.

My canary, Sunny, perched on top of the wreath

Star, my cockatiel

Rainbow, my sun conure

Saturday, September 13, 2014

52 Ancestors: #37 Charles Halvorson, Minnesota State Senator

Kittel (or Kjetil) Halvorsen Otterholt, the brother of my great-great-grandmother Aaste Halvorsdatter Otterholt, was born on 11 September 1850 in Bø, Telemark, Norway. He was the son of Halvor Eriksen Otterholt and Guro Hansdatter Askilt. He was enumerated with his family in the 1865 census of Norway, living on the Otterholdt farm in Bø.

On 20 April 1867, he and his parents and siblings left Norway from Skien, Telemark on the Rjukan and arrived in Quebec, Canada on 30 May 1867. The family settled in Canisteo, Dodge County, Minnesota. They were enumerated there in the 1870 United States census. Kittel was listed as a farm laborer. He also clerked in a drug store from 1869 to 1873.

Kittel changed his name to Charles Halvorson. On 9 January 1878, he married Julia Baronette Olson in Dodge County, Minnesota. In 1879, they moved to Montevideo, Chippewa County, Minnesota. Charles was a bookkeeper for two years.

Charles and Julia's first child, daughter Ella Gurina, was born on 11 January 1880. Sadly, she died three weeks later. A second daughter, Ella Josephine, was born on 5 November 1880. In 1881, Charles became a partner in the general store Stone & Halvorson in Lac qui Parle Village, Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota.

On 24 November 1884, daughter Cora Elizabeth was born in Dawson, Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota. In December 1884, Stone & Halvorson left Lac qui Parle Village and split into two stores: Stone & Halvorson in Madison, Lac qui Parle County, Minnesota and Charles Halvorson in Dawson, Minnesota. The Madison store was only open for a short time.

Daughter Olga Beatrice was born on 13 January 1887. Daughter Effie Amanda was born on 31 December 1889. Twin sons were born on 19 June 1893, fifteen minutes apart: Charles Stanford and Walter Stanton.

In 1897, Charles' modified Queen Anne style home in Riverside, Dawson was built. It had seven stained glass windows and a wrap-around porch with columns. It cost $10,000 to build and was one of the finest homes in the area.

On 8 November 1898, Charles was elected to the Minnesota State Senate. He was a Republican and represented District 18, Chippewa and Lac qui Parle counties. During the 31st legislative session (1899-1900), he was chair of the Illuminating Oils committee and also served on the Forestry and Fire Protection, Internal Improvements, Public Parks, Railroads, State Prison, and Temperance committees. During the 32nd legislative session (1901-1902), he was chair of the Retrenchment and Reform committee and also served on the Forestry and Fire Protection, Grain and Warehouse, Public Lands, Public Parks, State Prison, and Temperance committees. His term ended on 5 January 1903.
On 27 February 1906, there was a fire in the Dawson business district. Charles' store there was burnt and did not reopen. However, he had other business enterprises. He was a partner in the men's clothing store Halvorson & Olson in Montevideo, Minnesota until 1908.

On 17 April 1909, Charles was appointed to the Minnesota State Board of Control. He replaced Leonard A. Rosing, who had died. Charles' term expired on 3 April 1911.

Charles was considered an honest, honorable, and dedicated man. He died in Hennepin County, Minnesota on 25 June 1913 and was buried in Grace Lutheran Cemetery in Dawson, Minnesota.

Telemark county, Bø, Parish register (official) nr. 8 (1849-1861), Birth and baptism records 1850, page 22. http://www.arkivverket.no/URN:NBN:no-a1450-kb20051011050470.jpg

Passenger list, Rjukan, 1867. Passenger Lists, 1865–1935. Microfilm Publications T-479 to T-520, T-4689 to T-4874, T-14700 to T-14939, C-4511 to C-4542. Library and Archives Canada, n.d. RG 76-C. Department of Employment and Immigration fonds. Library and Archives Canada Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota. State of Minnesota, 1901. Page 124.

The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota. State of Minnesota, 1901. Page 125.

 The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota. State of Minnesota, 1901. Page 671.

Journal of the Senate of the Thirty-Sixth Session of the State of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minnesota: McGill Warner, 1909. Page 1223.

Sixth Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Syndicate Printing Co., 1912. Page 27.

From Boe (Bø) and Halvorson-Otterholt; Shared Roots in Telemark. Compiled by Melvin and Alpha M. (Boe) Brodshaug, 1984. Published by Arlene (Boe) Christensen and Marjorie (Boe) Bergee. Printed by Anundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa.

Boe (Bø) and Halvorson-Otterholt: Shared Roots in Telemark. Compiled by Melvin and Alpha M. (Boe) Brodshaug, 1984. Published by Arlene (Boe) Christensen and Marjorie (Boe) Bergee. Printed by Anundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa.
Journal of the Senate of the Thirty-Sixth Session of the State of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minnesota: McGill Warner, 1909. Available from Google Books.
The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota. State of Minnesota, 1901. Available from Google Books.
Minnesota Legislative Reference Library: Legislators Past and Present
Ronningen, Johan. "Charlie Halvorson." Telesoga 29(1) (May 2008): 26-28.
Sixth Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions of Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Syndicate Printing Co., 1912. Available from Google Books.
Telelaget of America. Telemark to America: Volume II: Settlements. 2nd ed. Telelaget of America, 1992, 2009.