Sunday, July 26, 2015

52 Ancestors: Week 30 "Challenging": Elizabeth Buise

I do not know much about Elizabeth Buise, the last (second as far as I know) wife of my 3rd-great-grandfather John Bennet Winters. John and Elizabeth were married by Robert Campbell on 18 May 1878 at Presbyterian Saint Gabriel in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The church record stated that Elizabeth's parents were George Buise of Montreal and his wife Margaret White, and that they were deceased.

Marriage of John Bennett Winters and Elizabeth Buise, 18 May 1878. Presbyterian Saint Gabriel, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008. Original data: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. 

John died on 25 December 1879. Apparently he and Elizabeth had a child, because "Infant of the late John Winters" is listed on Find A Grave as being buried in Mount Royal Cemetery (the same cemetery as John). The date of death (or burial) was 31 July 1880. I have not yet found any more information about this infant.

I have never found Elizabeth Buise in census records, and I do not know what happened to her. I do not know when she was born, but she must have been of childbearing age when she married John Bennett Winters.

Elizabeth was probably related to Charles Buise (son of Margaret McGillivray, the "mystery woman" in the Winters family Bible) and his father, Charles Buise/Bews. Jane Buise, who was a witness at the wedding of John Bennet Winters and Elizabeth Buise, was probably also a relative. She may be the Jane Buise who was enumerated as a servant in the household of  Wales and Minnie Lee in Montreal in the 1881 Census of Canada, and who married William Edgar Jesse Smith on 23 August 1881. (Charles Buise was a witness at the wedding.) Charles Buise (son of Margaret) married Virginie Chebout on 23 February 1874 in Montreal; in the 1881 Census of Canada, she was also enumerated as Jane Buise.

The only George Buise or Bews that I have found is the George Bews who was enumerated in the 1825 Census of Lower Canada in Cap Sante, Hampshire. If he was Elizabeth's father, Margaret White may have been a second wife.

George Bews, Cap Sante, Hampshire, Quebec, Canada. Canada, recensement du Bas-Canada, 1825, database with images, FamilySearch (, citing p. 1685 1686, volume 3, MG 31 C1; Library and Archives Canada microfilm number C-718, Public Archives, Ottawa, Ontario; FHL microfilm 2,443,958.

On TheShipsList, I found a transcribed passenger list from a ship that sailed from Quebec City at 8:00 PM on 30 May 1834 and arrived in Montreal at 4:00 PM on 31 May 1834. Passengers 371 and 372 were named Buise and White. Perhaps they were Elizabeth's parents George Buise and Margaret White. Since they were not listed on the same line, perhaps they had not yet  married; maybe they left for Montreal together and married there.

Screen shot, 1834 Arrivals: Canada - 8th trip up, Quebec to Montreal, May 30th 1834, left at 8 PM and arrived at 4 PM, May 31st. TheShipsList.

I would like to learn more about Elizabeth Buise for two reasons. One reason is that she was married to my 3rd-great-grandfather. The other reason is that I would like to figure out the connection between her and Charles Buise, son of Margaret McGillivray. Because Margaret's death notice was transcribed in the Winters family Bible, I think that she may be a relative, and perhaps that connection is what brought John Bennet Winters, his daughter Catherine Elizabeth Winters, and his son-in-law James Graham to Montreal. I do not know much about the family of Anna "Ann" Walker, my 3rd-great-grandmother and the previous wife of John Bennet Winters, and I know even less about my 2nd-great-grandfather James Graham. James Graham is my biggest brick wall, and would also  have been an appropriate choice for this week's 52 Ancestors theme, but I have already written about him and have not learned anything more about him since I wrote that post. Margaret McGillivray may have been related to Ann Walker or James Graham.

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