Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jakob Dreier

My 3rd-great-grandfather Jakob Dreier was born 201 years ago today on 7 September 1815, in Niederwihl, Waldshut, Baden, Germany. He was the son of Fridolin Dreyer and Maria Eva Stäuble.

Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5775, Bild 18. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Niederwihl, Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Geburtenbuch 1810-1869 / 1810-1869.

He worked as a blacksmith (Schmied).

 On 24 February 1846, he and Franziska Schäuble became the parents of a daughter, my 2nd-great-grandmother Kunigunde. Jakob and Franziska married almost two years later, on 3 February 1848.

Marriage record, Jakob Dreier and Franziska Schäuble, 1848. Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5776, Bild 81. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Niederwihl, Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Heiratsbuch 1810-1869. 

A little over four months later, on 17 June 1848, their daughter Magdalena was born, but she died when she was eight months old, on 25 February 1849. Their only son, Julius, was born on 20 March 1855. Their last child, Emilie, was born on 19 November 1857, but died on 5 July 1859.

Jakob died on 18 September 1870.

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