Monday, March 23, 2015

Matrilineal Monday: Haplogroup H2a

H2a. From Figure 3: Geographic maps of haplogroup frequencies for haplogroups H*, H1, H2a, H3, H4, H5a, H6a, H7, H8, H11. Álvarez-Iglesias V, Mosquera-Miguel A, Cerezo M, Quintáns B, Zarrabeitia MT, et al. (2009) New Population and Phylogenetic Features of the Internal Variation within Mitochondrial DNA Macro-Haplogroup R0. PLoS ONE 4(4): e5112. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005112

My mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is H2a. It is a subclade of haplogroup H, which is the most common haplogroup in Europe.

Haplogroup H2a is most common in Eastern Europe. It is found at a low frequency in Western Europe. Its range extends to Central Asia. It is a branch of H2, which is most common in Germany and Scotland.

My known ancestors in my mitochondrial line are:
My mother
Margaret Ann Schneider
Paulina Gersbacher
Kunigunde Dreier
Franziska Schäuble (24 September 1821 - 21 May 1882)
Maria Anna Albiez (2 July 1796 - 20 March 1847)
Elisabeth Arzner (about 1758 - 26 September 1815)

Paulina Gersbacher, my most recent German-born ancestor in this line, was born in Niederwihl (now part of Görwihl), Waldshut, Baden, Germany. Her mother Kunigunde Dreier and grandmother Franziska Schäuble were also born in Niederwihl. Maria Anna Albiez was born in Oberwihl (also now part of Görwihl). Elisabeth Arzner may also have been born in Oberwihl; if not; she probably was born nearby.

All about haplotype H
Haplogroup H (mtDNA)

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