Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sympathy Saturday: Notice of Probate of Will of Ola Peter Troedson

My 2nd-great-grandfather's brother Ola Peter Troedson died on 12 May 1926 in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. After his death, a notice appeared in the Brisbane Courier, announcing that probate of the will would be granted to his daughter Ellen Louisa Troedson.

Brisbane Courier, 22 May 1926, page 3. Available from Trove.


In the WILL of OLA PETER TROEDSON, late of Agnes street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, in the State of Queensland, Freeholder, Deceased.

    Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration of fourteen days from the date of the publication hereof, application will be made to this Honourable Court that PROBATE of the WILL of the abovenamed Ola Peter Troedson, deceased, may be granted to ELLEN LOUISA TROEDSON, of Agnes street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, aforesaid Spinster, a natural and lawful Daughter of the said deceased, and THE UNION TRUSTEE COMPANY OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED, of Brisbane aforesaid the Executors named in the said Will. Any person interested who desires to object to the pallicattion, or to be heard upon it, may file a Caveat in the Registry at any time before the grant is made.
    Dated this Seventeenth day of May, 1926.
    F. W. MURPHY, Solicitor for the said Ellen Louisa Troedson and The Union Trustee Company of Australia Limited, Brisbane.

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