Monday, August 31, 2015

Amanuensis Monday: John Schneider's Letter to His Daughter Margaret

My great-grandparents John Schneider and Paulina Gersbacher celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on 23 July 1952. Their daughter Margaret (Schneider) Boe (my maternal grandmother) visited them on their anniversary, and not long afterward, on 10 August 1952, John wrote her a letter.

                                        MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA
                                       TRANSIT CAMP No. 11364
                                                   John Schneider, Secretary
                                                                    2024 Russell Boulevard
                                                                      ST. LOUIS 4, MO.


Dear Margaret : -
              Just a few words. We are getting ready to leave to-morrow morning and I just had to write a few words to you. I doubt if you really know how much we appreciated your visit at our Anniversary; we will ever be grateful to you.
             You might have wondered that when you leave here, you probably do not see me when the train pulls out, or when you pull away from the house; well, I have a confession to make : - my heart hangs so much on you, that I just can't take it to see you go, and I do not want that you see me with a sad face and a tear in my eye. that's the reason I make myself a little scarce; enough said.
              will write you as we go along, our very best wishes to you, John, and the children, and of course, all our love goes with it.
                                                                    Pop & Mother
Got this clipping from the Royal Neighbor Paper. You are still a member of that, and I thought that maybe you will get to meet some of these people.

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