Friday, July 31, 2015

First U.S. Patent Issued - 225th Anniversary

On 10 April 1790, the Patent Act of 1790 was enacted. On 31 July 1790 (225 years ago today), the first patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for "an Improvement, not known or used before such Discovery, in the making of Pot ash and Pearl ash by a new Apparatus and Process." Potash was used in making fertilizer.

Patent 000001, issued to Samuel Hopkins on 31 July 1790. Public domain. Available from Wikimedia Commons.
On 16 October 1928, my great-grandmother Kathleen (Graham) Boe was issued a patent for a design for a score card.

Boe, Kathleen. Design for a Score Card.Patent USD76601. Application filed 4 April 1927. Patented 16 October 1928. Available from

Boe, Kathleen. Design for a Score Card.Patent USD76601. Application filed 4 April 1927. Patented 16 October 1928. Available from

Charles Buise, who was associated with my family and may be a relative, was the assignor of a patent for an ash sifter which was invented by Robert Alexander Brown. The patent was issued on 1 February 1881.

Brown, Robert A., assignor to Charles Buise. Ash-Sifter. Patented 1 February 1881. Available from

Brown, Robert A., assignor to Charles Buise. Ash-Sifter. Patented 1 February 1881. Available from

First U.S. Patent Issued Today in 1790
Patent Act of 1790
Samuel Hopkins (inventor)

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