Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bills of Sale Between Francis Hardgrave and His Descendants

I have summarized the below information about the slaves that my 6th-great-grandfather Francis Hardgrave sold or gave to his descendants. I have not seen the original deeds; the information is based on published transcriptions/abstracts.

On 7 April 1818, Francis Hardgrave sold his sons John and Skelton Hardgrave seven negro slaves named Phillis, Jurdon, Darkcus, Allen, Claborne, Colman, and Charles. The bill of sale was registered in Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book H on 12 November 1818.

On 8 April 1818, Francis Hardgrave sold his sons John and Skelton Hardgrave a negro boy named Green. The bill of sale was registered in Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book H on 12 November 1818.

On 19 October 1818, sold his sons John and Skelton Hardgrave a negro man named Stephen. The bill of sale was registered in Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book H on 12 November 1818.

On 1 May 1828, Francis Hardgrave gave and conveyed  a negro boy named Henry, about six years old, to his grandson Thomas Francis Hardgrave. The bill of sale was registered in Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book P on 23 May 1828.

Smith, Mary Sue. Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book H 1809-1821. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2000.
Smith, Mary Sue. Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book "P" Personal Property Deeds 15 November 1821 - 13 February 1829. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2010.


  1. Thanks for sharing the information.

  2. I've added a link to this post to the Slave Name Roll Project under Davidson County, Tennessee.
