Friday, April 24, 2015

Friend of Friends Friday: Will of William Gower

My 5th-great-grandfather William Gower wrote his will on 1 March 1849. He died on 11 October 1851, and his will was recorded in the Davidson County, Tennessee Probate Court books on 23 April 1852.

William Gower will, recorded 23 April 1852. Tennessee, Probate Court Books, 1795-1927. Davidson County. Wills, 1851-1853, Vol. 15. Image 197. Available from FamilySearch.

William Gower will, recorded 23 April 1852. Tennessee, Probate Court Books, 1795-1927. Davidson County. Wills, 1851-1853, Vol. 15. Image 198. Available from FamilySearch.

William Gower will, recorded 23 April 1852. Tennessee, Probate Court Books, 1795-1927. Davidson County. Wills, 1851-1853, Vol. 15. Image 198. Available from FamilySearch.

I have transcribed the portions of the will which mention William Gower's slaves, as well as the list of his children near the end of the will.

[To his wife Charlotte Gower] Also for life the following Slaves. viz. Isaac a negro man and Rachael and Harriet negro Women.

Item 5 it is my  will and desire that at my death the residue of my perishable property be sold on a Credit of Twelve months and with any debts due me applied to the payment of debts and funeral expenses and the balance thereof together with the residue of my slaves not heretofore bequeathed be eaqually [sic] divided among all my Children and the children of Abel Gower deceased they representing their deceased Father and respect being had to the deductions heretofore directed to be made.

And it is intended that all my children viz. Lorenzo D. Gower, Peggy Gatlin, Mark B. Gower, Abel B. Gower's children, Wm T Gower, Charlotte T Russell, Sally Newsom, Lucy Shuster, James Gower, John H. Gower, Leonidas F. Gower, and Nancy C. Gower shall share eaqually [sic] in my estate including the advancement or deductions above mentioned.

Below are the slaves held by William Gower and his son Lorenzo Gower that were recorded in the 1850 United States Census slave schedule.

1850 United States census, Davidson County, Tennessee, slave schedule. Available from 1850 U.S. Federal Census - Slave Schedules [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.

1 comment:

  1. I've posted a link to this post on the Slave Name Roll project. Thank you for your continued contributions!
