Covering genealogy, family history, historical events and places, and anything else related!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hug Your Cat Day

Today is Hug Your Cat Day. Pets are part of the family, so I think they have a place in family history. I currently have five cats. In December 2010, I adopted Jewel. She had been left behind in an empty apartment, and them spent almost 6 months with the rescue group S.T.A.R.T. II. My vet estimated her to be about 6 or 7 years old at the time. In August 2011, I adopted Harmony from P.A.T.C.H., the cat shelter I volunteer at, just before her first birthday. She had been at the shelter since she was about 6 weeks old. When I moved to a house last fall, I was no longer limited to two cats. Harmony's littermates Melody and Luna, were still at the shelter. I had become very attached to them, and for a long time I had considered them extended family because they were Harmony's sisters. So they moved in with me. Earlier this month, I found three abandoned two-week-old kittens in my backyard by my garbage can. I took them in and began bottle-feeding them. One of the little boys and the little girl passed away within a week, but the other little boy is still with me and is doing well. I named him Flash, and he is now a permanent part of my family.

Harmony and Melody were featured in the April 11, 2014 Friday Funny.





Flash, 4 weeks old

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