Wednesday, May 10, 2017

NGS 2017: Day 1

I am in Raleigh, North Carolina for the 2017 National Genealogical Society Family History Conference, which began today. During the opening session "Family History Lives Here," we watched a video presentation which included a reading from "The Moravian Record of Peter Binkele" - my ancestor! That was a very nice surprise! I then went to the exhibit hall and bought some books.

At 11:00 AM, I attended Diane Richard's session "Tarheels in Your Family Tree?" Some of my ancestors lived in North Carolina in the 1700s. I had never thought about the impediments to interior travel in North Carolina; I will have to follow up on the sources listed in the handout.

After lunch, I attended Craig Scott's session on Mexican War ancestors. Thomas Tarkington, who was probably my 3rd-great-grandfather Joseph Tarkington's brother, was killed in the Mexican War.

I then attended J. H. Fonkert's session "Use all the Sources: A Complex Case of Confounded Identity." The case study dealt with a Norwegian immigrant family. I know from experience that members of Scandinavian families may use different names, but this family used many more than one might expect!

It was a great day, and I look forward to the rest of the conference!

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