Sunday, December 18, 2016

Johann Schäuble

My 4th-great-grandfather Johann Schauble was born 222 years ago today, on 18 December 1794, in Niederwihl, Waldshut, Baden, Germany. He was the son of Joseph Schäuble and Ursula Mutter.

He married Maria Anna Albiez on 21 January 1818 in Niederwihl.

Marriage record, Johann Schäuble and Anna Maria Albiez, 21 January 1818. Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5776, Bild 16. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Niederwihl, Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Heiratsbuch 1810-1869 / 1810-1869. 

Their children were Magdalena (born 26 February 1819), Theres (born 3 March 1820), my 3rd-great-grandmother Franziska (born 24 September 1821), Agatha (born 24 January 1824), Franz Joseph (born 13 December 1825), Katharina (born 21 March 1847), Fridolina (born 4 March 1829), Karl (born 28 March 1831, died 30 March 1831), Sophia (born 15 May 1832), and Sekunda (born 31 December 1833).

Johann was a farmer (Landwirt), a cotton manufacturer (Baumwollfabrikant), and the proprietor of the Stag Inn (Hirschenwirt)

He became a widower on 20 March 1847, when his wife Maria Anna passed away.

Johann died on 26 February 1851 in Niederwihl.

Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5777, Bild 153. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht >Niederwihl, Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Sterbebuch 1810-1869 / 1810-1869.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Independence Day (Finland)

Finnish flag on independence day 2011, Tähtitorninmäki, Helsinki, Finland. 6 December 2011. Photo by Htm [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

Today Finland is celebrating 99 years of independence. Before the Parliament of Finland adopted the Finnish Declaration of Independence on 6 December 1917, Finland was an autonomous part of the Russian Empire, the Grand Duchy of Finland.

Evening News (Harrisburg, PA), 8 December 1917, page 1

Law professors at Berlin University declared that the Parliament of Finland had the right to proclaim independence. They believed that the change in Russian government had dissolved the union of Finland and Russia.

The Times (London, England), 6 December 1917, page 8

Sweden supported Finland's independence.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 30 December 1917, page 3

Monday, December 5, 2016

Military Monday: Battle of Verdun

The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest battles of World War 1. It was fought between the French and German troops, and lasted for nearly 10 months, from 21 February 1916 to 18 December 1916. More than 3/4 of French troops fought in this battle. There were more than 700,000 casualties, at a rate of about 70,000 per month.

Battle of Verdun, 1916. By Gdr [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (]. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

My first cousin three times removed Josef Eschbach was an Obergefreiter (corporal) in the Bavarian Army, Fußartillerie-Bataillon 21. He participated in the Battle of Verdun.

Fußartillerie-Bataillon 21. 15106-Kriegstammrolle. Bavaria, Germany, WWI Personnel Rosters, 1914-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Kriegsstammrollen, 1914-1918. Bavarian State Archives. Department IV, War Archive, Munich.

Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Lake Mohawk German Christmas Market (Weihnachtsmarkt)

The Christmas market (Weihnachtsmarkt) is a tradition that goes back to the late Middle Ages in the German-speaking areas of Europe. It is a street market with open-air stalls which is held during the four weeks of Advent.

Today I attended the Lake Mohawk German Christmas Market in Sparta, New Jersey. Although it was the 15th annual Weihnachtsmarkt,  I had not previously been aware of it. It is the largest Christmas market in New Jersey, and the only one that is run to donate back to the community. More than 110 vendors were present. The merchandise included jewelry, clothing, paintings, and German Christmas items. There was a petting zoo, the opportunity to visit with Santa, and an entertainment tent.

Since I am 1/4 German, some of my ancestors probably shopped at Weihnachtsmärkte. I enjoyed the experience and hope to go again next year.

Christmas market
History | Weihnachtsmarkt
Weihnachtsmarkt | Annual Lake Mohawk German Christmas Market, Sparta, NJ, USA

Friday, December 2, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Runaway Slaves of William and John Sutton

Kentucky Gazette, 1 August 1799, page 6. Kentucky Digital Library.

Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscribers, on the night of the 4th of July, 1799, a Negro man, about 24 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, by the name of PHILL, perhaps he may try to pass by the name of PHILL BURLEY, yellowish complexion, thick lips, spreads his mouth when he laughs, has a bad scar on his left little finger, occasioned by a reap-hook ; took with him a mixed cassimer coat, with a split on the left shoulder, narrow backs, with the pockets inside, a pair of mixt overalls of country cloth, white shirt, and marseilles vest. Also a mulatto man nearly the same age, rather smaller, and nearly the same height––hath a peace out of the left side of his nose, one of his fore teeth out, took with him divers cloths unknown––his name MAJOR, once passed by the name of JAMES, sometimes by the name of PETER ROBINSON : if tightly examined will reply, why do you think so ? Or, what makes you think so? If the above negroes are taken and confined in any jail, so that the subscribers get them again, the apprehender shall receive ten dollars, and if brought home shall receive the full reward with reasonable charges.
                                                   William Sutton
                                                   John Sutton jr.