Friday, December 2, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Runaway Slaves of William and John Sutton

Kentucky Gazette, 1 August 1799, page 6. Kentucky Digital Library.

Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the subscribers, on the night of the 4th of July, 1799, a Negro man, about 24 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, by the name of PHILL, perhaps he may try to pass by the name of PHILL BURLEY, yellowish complexion, thick lips, spreads his mouth when he laughs, has a bad scar on his left little finger, occasioned by a reap-hook ; took with him a mixed cassimer coat, with a split on the left shoulder, narrow backs, with the pockets inside, a pair of mixt overalls of country cloth, white shirt, and marseilles vest. Also a mulatto man nearly the same age, rather smaller, and nearly the same height––hath a peace out of the left side of his nose, one of his fore teeth out, took with him divers cloths unknown––his name MAJOR, once passed by the name of JAMES, sometimes by the name of PETER ROBINSON : if tightly examined will reply, why do you think so ? Or, what makes you think so? If the above negroes are taken and confined in any jail, so that the subscribers get them again, the apprehender shall receive ten dollars, and if brought home shall receive the full reward with reasonable charges.
                                                   William Sutton
                                                   John Sutton jr.

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