Monday, August 22, 2016

Military Monday: Joshua Hunt Thomas, Musician

Spicer, William Arnold. History of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers, and the Tenth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862. Providence, RI: Snow & Franham, 1892. Pages 396-397. Available from Internet Archive.

Joshua Hunt Thomas, the husband of my 3rd-great-grandfather's sister Catherine Bennett Winters, was a musician during the Civil War. He enlisted on 26 May 1862.

Joshua was in Company C, 10th Rhode Island Infantry. The regiment was mustered into service on 26 May 1862 in Providence, Rhode Island, and then moved to Washington, DC from 27 May-29 May 1862. The regiment was on duty at Camp Frieze, Tennallytown until 26 June 1862.

Spicer, William Arnold. History of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers, and the Tenth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862. Providence, RI: Snow & Franham, 1892. Page 199. Available from Internet Archive.

Company C was then assigned to garrison duty at Fort Cameron.

Joshua served for just over a month. He was discharged due to disability on 7 July 1862, and he mustered out on 8 July 1862 at Battery Cameron, DC.

Historical Data Systems, comp. U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2009.
Spicer, William Arnold. History of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers, and the Tenth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862. Providence, RI: Snow & Franham, 1892. Available from Internet Archive.
10th Rhode Island Infantry
Union Regimental Histories: Rhode Island. Civil War Archive.

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