Thursday, July 3, 2014

Founding of Quebec City - Anniversary

The Quebec Settlement : A.—The Warehouse. B.—Pigeon-loft. C.—Detached Buildings where we keep our arms and for Lodging our Workmen. D.—Another Detached Building for the Workmen. E.—Sun-dial. F.—Another Detached Building where is the Smithy and where the Workmen are Lodged. G.—Galleries all around the Lodgings. H.—The Sieur de Champlain's Lodgings. I.—The door of the Settlement with a Draw-bridge. L Promenade around the Settlement ten feet in width to the edge of the Moat. M.—Moat the whole way around the Settlement. O.—The Sieur de Champlain's Garden. P.—The Kitchen. Q.—Space in front of the Settlement on the Shore of the River. R.—The great River St. Lawrence. The works of Samuel de Champlain in six volumes.Toronto, The Champlain Society, 1925, reprinted 1971 by University of Toronto Press, volume II, p. 39. Image available from Wikimedia Commons.

Quebec City was founded 406 years ago today. In 1608, Pierre Dugua de Mons sent Samuel de Champlain to New France. Champlain arrived on 3 July 1608 and established a settlement at Quebec. He and his crew built a wooden fort, the Habitation, a few days after they arrived.

Margaret McGillivray, the "mystery person" in the Winters family Bible who may be a relative, lived in Quebec City. She was from Beauport. She married her husband Charles Bews/Buise in Quebec City, and their son Charles was baptized in Quebec City. In 1866, my Boe ancestors sailed from Norway to Quebec City before heading to Minnesota. In 1867, my Halvorson-Otterhold ancestors also sailed from Norway to Quebec City, and went to Minnesota as well.

I visited Quebec City in July 2011. The pictures below were taken on that trip.

Samuel de Champlain statue

The Citadel

The Founding of Quebec
History of Quebec City
Champlain's Itinerary: Chronology

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