Friday, October 21, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Slaves of James Neely, Williamson County, Tennessee

Western Weekly Review (Franklin, TN), 6 August 1852, page 2

Seven Likely Negroes For Sale.
ON TUESDAY, the 17th of August, I will sell as Agent for the heirs of James Neely dec,d on the premises of James A. Neely, seven miles South East of Franklin, the following Slaves, to wit:––Mariah, aged 40 years; Grandison, aged 32; Sam, 15; Mariah, 12; Sylla, 10; Louisa, 8; and Emily, 4.
   Terms:––Note payable in Bank 1st day of January 1853, with two good endorsers.
                                                                    THOS. W. BLAIR, Agent.
      August 6, 1852––2t


  1. Beth, I've added a link to this blog on the Slave Name Roll Project. Thanks!

  2. Hello. I'm a Neely as well, I was informed my great grandfather was the son of a slave, my family is also from Tennessee. Is there anyway I could contact you? I've been trying to trace my roots for a while now and happened to stumble across this site, anymore info you may have could be a huge help. Thank you for this posting.
    Kind regards
    Leona Neely
