Monday, October 10, 2016

Amanuensis Monday: Deed, James Robertson to Elisha Garland, 100 Acres on Big Harpeth

Davidson County, Tennessee Deed Book G, page 156

Elisha Garland                                            June 10th 1807
This indenture made upon the Eighth day of April one Thousand Seven hundred and ninety nine Between James Robertson of the State of Tennessee and County of Davidson of the one part & Elisha Garland of the State & County Aforesaid of the Other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of  Pounds Virginia Currency the Receipt thereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath Granted Bargained Sold Alliened Enfeeof Convey and Confirm unto the said Elisha Garland his heirs and Assigns forever a Certain Tract or Parcel of Land lying and being in the State and County Aforesaid Containing one hundred Acres on the South side of Cumberland River Begining at a Birch on the North Bank of Harpeth Running Down the River North forty five Degrees to the West fifty four poles then North fifty five Degrees to the West one hundred and forty poles to a Sugartree and Red Oak under the foot of a Bluff then North fifty two poles to a Small Sugartree  and two Elms thence East one hundred and Twenty poles to a Hickory on the East boundery line of the Original Survey thence South with the same two hundred poles to the River Bank About two poles Above the Begining being part of six acres of land granted unto Ebennezer Alexander Assignee Originally of the heirs of William Mathews April 17th day 1793, To have and to hold the  Aforesaid Land and Premises to him the said Elisha Garland his heirs and Assigns forever with all and Singular the Rights Privilages or Emoluments belonging or in anywise Appertaining thereto And I the said James Robertson my heirs & do hereby Release and Relinquish all my Right in the said Tract & do Vest the Same to said Elisha Garland and for him to have hold Enjoy Possess and Occupy the Aforesaid Tract of Land And the said James Robertson do Covenant and Agree for myself my heirs Executors and Administrators with the said Garland to warrant and forever Defend the Aforesaid Land from all manner of Persons Claiming the Same through by or under me my heirs etc –– In testimony thereof the said James Robertson hath hereunto set his hand and Seal the year and Day first Above Written
Witness __ __ _ _____                           Jas Robertson         LS
State of Tennessee [ ] Best Remembered that on the 14th day of August one Thousand Seven hundred and ninety nine Personally Came James Robertson who has Subscribed the within Indenture before me Andrew Jackson one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law & Equity for the State Aforesaid and Acknowledged the Signing Sealing and Delivery of the written for Deed for the uses and Purposes therein Contained and mentioned and Requested that the same might be Registered
                                                                                         Andrew Jackson
Let the same be Registered upon the Legal fees being paid

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