Friday, August 12, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Runaway Slave of Mark Edwards, Petersburg, Virginia

Virginia Gazette,4 July 1777, page 8

                                                                   PETERSBURG, June 8, 1777
RUN away from the Subscriber, the 25th of May, a Negro Fellow named POMPEY, about 5 feet 4 Inches high, he is very tender footed, about 40 Years of Age, the Corner of his right Eye Lash is off; he had on when he went away an Osnabrug Shirt and Breeches. The above Slave was bought of Julius Allen about 5 months ago Whoever will bring the said Negro to me in Pocahantas shall receive Twenty Shillings Reward, besides what the Law allows.
             #                                                            MARK EDWARDS.

1 comment:

  1. I've added a link to this post to the Slave Name Roll Project page. Thanks!
