Friday, August 26, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Abraham, Runaway Slave of Geo. Malone

Nashville Whig, 31 October 1825, page 1

RANAWAY from the subscriber on the 22d July last, living in Giles county, in the state of Tennessee, 12 miles north of Pulaski, a negro man named ABRAHAM, aged about 30 years, five feet 3 or 4 inches high, with one stiff ancle, clothed in homespun when he went off. Any person apprehending the above described negro and confining him in jail so that I may get him, shall receive the above reward, if said negro is apprehended in any free state, or one adjoining a free state, or $20 if found in this state.
      ept. 17––––tf                                          GEO MALONE.

1 comment:

  1. I've added a link to this post to the Slave Name Roll Project. Thanks!
