Friday, June 3, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Jim, Slave of Joseph Crispin

Newbern Gazette, 1 December 1798, page 2

 RAN away from the subscriber on the 25th September last, a negro fellow named JIM, about twenty or twenty-one years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, black smooth skin, round face, and a pleasing countenance, something bow legged, and well set, he has remarkable long feet, with considerable long great toes : had om when he went away, an old blue jacket lined with green baize, a pair of tgrowsers and shirt of brown linnen ; he was formerly the property of Thomas Spight, deceased.
  A reward of TWELVE DOLLARS will be given to any person, if said fellow is taken up within the county and brought to the subscriber in Newbern ; and if taken up out of the county, Twenty Dollars will be given, and all reasonable charges paid. JOSEPH CRISPIN.
   November 3.
 N.B. All masters of vessels are forwarned from carrying him away, and all persons from harbouring or employing said fellow, under the penalty of the law.

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