Friday, May 6, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Tony, Slave of William Powell

North Carolina Magazine or Universal Intelligencer, 6 July - 13 July 1764, page 48

             FIVE POUNDS Reward,
RAN away from the Subscriber, about the first of February, a Mulatto or Mustee Slave, called Tony, about 24 Years of Age, with long stiff black hair, and greatly the Looks and Colour of an Indian : He is about 5 feet 9 Inches high, and strong limbed, and is used to work at the Carpenters Trade : Had on when he went away, a homespun Jacket, and old Coat girt round him with a broad buff Belt, and a large Brass Buckle. Whoever brings the said Slave to the Subscriber in Newbern, or procures him so as to be recovered, shall receive Five Pounds Reward, and all reasonable charges.
                                                                                      William Powell.

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