Friday, May 20, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Tom, Runaway Slave

Newbern Gazette, 1 December 1798, page 2

RAN away, on the 28th ult. a negro fellow named TOM, about twenty eight years of age, five feet, eight or ten inches high, has lost his eye teeth.
    He was bought of Mr. Thomas Satterfield, of Edenton, and has a sister in Windsor : he is well known in both those places.
    TWENTY DOLLARS reward will be paid on delivery of him to me, or TEN DOLLARS for securing him, so that I get him again.
                                                      SHADRAC COLLINS.
     August 11.
     N. B. Masters of vessels are forwarned from carrying him away, and all persons from harbouring, or carrying him away, under the penalty of the law.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your continued support of the Slave Name Roll Project.
