Friday, May 27, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Scrub, Runaway Slave of Richard Benneham of Orange County, North Carolina

North Carolina Gazette or Impartial Intelligencer, 29 July 1784, page 6

Thirty Dollars Reward. 
Ran-away from the subscriber, the 15th day of May last,
A Likely Negro Fellow, named SCRUB, about twenty-five years old, well made, a good countenance, has scarcely any beard, rather of a black complexion, very flexible, strong and active ; he is a pretty good groom, having taken care of a stud horse for several years past : He carried with him a good deal of cloathing, mostly home-spun, and I believe about fifteen or twenty pounds hard money. I have owned him for 13 years past, and always found him remarkable honest and of good behavior ; he is a tolerable good gardner and waggoner, and will probably endeavor to be employed as the latter, or as a hostler : I expect he will attempt to go to Norfolk (where he was raised), and pass as a free man by the name of Charles Thompson, or Charles Fry; and as he has great notions of freedom it is very probable he will try to make his escape by sea. All persons are cautioned from taking him out of the country. The above reward will be given and reasonable expences to any person who will bring him to me, or fifteen dollars to have him secured in any goal in this state or Virginia, so that I get him again.
                                                                   RICHARD BENNEHAM.
  Orange County, August, 1784.

1 comment:

  1. Beth, as always, thanks for your continued contributions to the Slave Name Roll Project.
