Friday, April 29, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Joe, Slave of Abner Neale

North Carolina Gazette or Impartial Intelligencer, 29 July 1784, page 2


RAN-AWAY, from the subscriber, in Newbern, on the night of the 6th inst a Negro Fellow by the name of Joe, about 5 feet 10 inches high, has lost some of his fore teeth, is very talkative, has been bred a house servant in the West-Indies; and is remarkably complaisant, had on when he went away an oznaburghs shirt and trowsers, a blue sailor's jacket with white lining, tho' carried away other surts of cloaths.
   The REWARD of TWENTY POUNDS, will be given for the above Negro, if secured in any goal so that the owner may get him. He is supposed to be gone to South Carolina, in company with a Negro fellow, of Mr SILAS STEVENSON, who ran away likewise, and has been seen about thirty miles from this place, on the upper road to Wilmington.
   All Masters of vessels, are hereby de[ ]red not to carry any such fellow out of the Country.
                                           ABNER NEALE
                     Newbern, July 15, 1784.

1 comment:

  1. I've added the link to the Slave Name Roll Project. Thanks!

    My Dad, brother and his wife live in New Bern! And my husband and I own property there.
