Friday, April 8, 2016

Follow Friday: Norwegian Genealogy and then some

Martin Roe Eidhammer, a Norwegian, has a genealogy blog called Norwegian Genealogy and then some (

Some blog posts focus on Norwegian records. A recent post is about the Norwegian 1664-1666 census. It explains the layout of this census, shows an example, and includes a link to the census itself. This post has encouraged me to explore this census, and will help me to understand the information that it contains. Other posts focus on Norwegian names, reading Gothic handwriting, and places in Norway.

The site also includes a Norwegian genealogy dictionary, a list and definitions of causes of death, and downloads, including forms and "cheat sheets" for the Norwegian church books, pre- and post-1812 revision.

If you have Norwegian ancestors, this blog should be very helpful to you!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Beth. Thank you so much for linking to my blog. Your blog looks very interesting and I certainly will spend time with this. have a great weekend Martin
