Friday, February 26, 2016

Friend of Friends Friday: Slaves of William Dew

On 25 August 1798, the New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina newspaper Newbern Gazette published a notice which stated that seven slaves belonging to William Dew of Edgecombe County, North Carolina had run away.

Newbern Gazette, 25 August 1798, page 3

RUN away on the 10th instant, seven negroes, to wit: A fellow named MARCUS, thirty seven years old, very crooked in one of his neesHe had on white broad cloth pair of breeches, and cotton shirt. Also, a finall negro fellow named BOB, stout madehad on when he went away, an oznaburg shirt, and a pair of Virginia cloth striped trowsers. Also, a stout black woman, named SARAH, with two small children, one two years old, and the other child is five months old, at her breast. Also, a finall negro woman, named HANNAH, and a small girl child, about ten months old.
   I some expect they will lurk about Newbern. Whoever will apprehend said negroes, and bring them to me, in Edgcombe county, or secure them so that I get them, shall be handsomely rewarded.
   August 20.                                      WILLIAM DEW.

One of the slaves, Marcus, was captured and jailed in Jones County, North Carolima. A notice was placed in the 22 December 1798 issue of the Newbern Gazette. William Dew was asked to reclaim Marcus after proving ownership and paying charges.

Newbern Gazette, 22 December 1798, page 3

ON the 6th Instant, was committed to Jail in Jones County, a negro fellow named MARCUS, said to be the property of William Dew of Edgcombe County.The owner is requested to prove his property, pay charges, and take him away.
                                                         JOHN BROWN, Jialer.
Jones county, December 22.

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