Friday, February 5, 2016

Follow Friday: Unknown No Longer

Unknown No Longer ( contains the names of slaves mentioned in the unpublished documents of the Virginia Historical Society. Digital images of the documents are included. As of September 2011, more than 1,500 names had been entered into the database. This number will grow larger over time; the database is a work in progress. The Virginia Historical Society has more than 8 million unpublished documents; it will take a long time to look through them all.

It is possible to search by first name, last name, owner's last name, gender, date range, location, occupation, and record type. Record types include account, account book, advertisement, affidavit, agreement, appraisal, autobiography, Bible record, bill of lading, bill of sale, bond, broadside, certificate, church records, commission, commonplace book, contract, court records, deed, deed of emancipation, deed of manumission, deed of trust, diary, indenture, insurance policy, inventory, lease, letter, letterbook, list, manumission certificate, memoir, mortgage, newspaper clipping, notice, pardon, pass, patent, petition, receipt, recollections, record book,  register, report, resolution, sales book, scrapbook, summons, voucher, will, and writ of execution. There is also an "other" category. It is also possible to browse by record type and by location.

The site also includes a message board and a list of related resources (online projects and primary and secondary sources.)

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