Saturday, January 30, 2016

Shopping Saturday: C. J. Dahlquist's Shoe Shop

My 2nd-great-grandfather Carl Johan/Charles John Dahlquist was a shoe dealer. In 1895, he went into business with Axel Swenson. Their shoe shop, called Swenson & Dahlquist, was located at 6031 State Street, Chicago, Illinois. By 1902, the store had moved to 511 W. 63rd Street, Chicago. It was located in the Englewood neighborhood.

Englewood Times, 10 March 1905, page 1

 Englewood Times, 15 September 1905, page 2

 Englewood Times, 29 September 1905, page 1

In 1906,  Axel Swenson sold his share of the business to Swan J. Burkdahl, and the store's name was changed to Burkdahl & Dahlquist.

Englewood Times, 9 March 1906, page 8

A surgical chiropodist was available at the store from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

 Englewood Times, 21 June 1907, page 1

By 1909, the store was called Dahlquist & Son. The store remained at the same location, but after Chicago's streets were renumbered, the address changed to 409 W. 63rd Street. He worked with his older son Carl Frederick Dahlquist until 1917, when Carl Frederick began working as a contractor. His younger son Martin Luther Dahlquist also worked at the shoe store.

 Englewood Times, 13 May 1910, page 1

Chicago Tribune, 29 September 1912, page 6

 Englewood Times, 14 May 1915, page 9

Englewood Times, 18 June 1915, page 11

Englewood Times, 14 April 1916, page 1

 Englewood Times, 8 September 1916, page 1

 Englewood Times, 24 November 1916, page 1

Englewood Times, 15 December 1916, page 1

In 1918, the shop displayed some World War I souvenirs in its window. They were provided by Corporal Walter D. North, who had attended Englewood High School.

Englewood Times, 29 November 1918, page 1

On 30 July 1919, Martin Luther Dahlquist died as a result of a ruptured appendix. Not long afterward, C. J. Dahlquist sold his shoe business.

 Englewood Times, 29 August 1919, page 1

Englewood Times, 12 September 1919, page 8

Peter P. Hokamp purchased the shoe business, and the store reopened on October 4, 1919.

Englewood Times, 3 October 1919, page 8

Although he had sold his shoe business, C. J. Dahlquist continued working at the store.

Englewood Times, 24 June, 1921, page 1

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