Friday, December 18, 2015

Friend of Friends Friday: Slaves of Mrs. Henrietta Jacobs Missing from the Chickasaw Bluffs, Tennessee

Nashville Whig, 18 August 1823, page 4

Fifty Dollars Reward.

WAS missing from the neighborhood of the Chickasaw Bluffs, about the middle of December last, CLARA, a negro girl about 19 years of age, middle size, African face, heavy built, with toes somewhat turned inwards and scattering--she is talkative when indulged, and was originally purchased of Mr. Richard B. Tunstal of Louisville, Ky. At the same time, LOUISA, a black girl, about 12 years of age, small for her years, with slender feet for a negro, bad face, and bad expression of countenance ; she was purchased from Thomas Hargrave and J. W. Crockett, living in the Green river country, on the Nashville road. Louisa may possibly be recognized by speaking of her brother George, a small boy, who is also owned by her mistress; and either of them, of their former masters.
  About the time these negroes disappeared from the Bluffs, two horses were also missing, which have not been heard of, one a bright sorrel, raw boned, slim with a switch tail, and one white hind foot. The other a brown bay mare, small, round, and well made, with a heavy switch tail. No other marks, nor any brands recollected.
  The negroes are the property of Mrs. Henrietta Jacobs, a helpless widow with three little children. They comprise the chief part of their estate, and that portion of it on which they relied much for immediate support. It is supposed they were decoyed from the Bluffs by one M'Clelan, who lately escaped from the jail at the Bluffs, and his accomplices. That they were carried off on horses, either to Alabama or Missouri, and there sold. There is most reason to suspect they were carried to the former state.
  The above reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of the negroes, or half that price for securing either of them. A liberal reward will also be paid for the return of the horses, and any information relative to them thankfully received, and generously rewarded if required.
  Should this advertisement meet the eye of those in whose hands the negroes now are, it is to be hoped, that they will communicate the circumstance and unite their endeavors in bringing the offenders to justice.
  The editors of the Nashville Whig, Huntsville Republican, Florence Gazette, Arkansas Gazette, and St. Louis Enquirer, will please publish this advertisement for six successive weeks, in each of their papers, and forward their bills for payment to Nicholas Berthend, Louisville, Ky. or to
                                                                              WINCHESTER & CARR,
  August 4. 1823.6t                                                                 Memphis, Ten.

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