Friday, December 4, 2015

Follow Friday:

Dave Fowler has created, which is part of the History in Numbers collection. The site is informative and well-done, and it is definitely worth checking out. It contains a detailed overview of the Great Fire of London (1666). Key facts and a  day by day chronology are provided. Background information is provided on some of the people who were involved, such as Thomas Farriner, Samuel Pepys, John Evelyn, Robert Hooke. Christoper Wren, King Charles II, Thomas Bludworth, and Robert Hubert (the innocent man who was executed after making a false confession). The fall and rebuilding of St. Paul's Cathedral is covered. There is an image and a transcription of the September 3 to September 10, 1666 issue of the London Gazette, which reported on the fire. A helpful site map can be used to easily locate information.

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