Friday, October 2, 2015

Friend of Friends Friday: Judicial Sale of the Property of Oliver A. Locy

Planters Banner, 3 February 1853, page 3

From the Planters Banner (Franklin, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana):

Of the Property belonging to the Estate of 
OLIVER A. LOCY, deceased.
BY virtue of an order issued out of the Honorable the District Court, in and for the parish of St. Mary, and to me directed and delivered, I shall offer to the last and highest bidder, at public sale, on SATURDAY, the 5th day of March, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A.M., the following described property, to wit:
     A certain house and lot situated in the Indian Bend, in this parish, on the east side of bayou Teche, bounded above by lot of Valsin Cuvillier, and below by lot of James Taylor, and fronting on the public road, having a front of about 100 feet with the depth of 150 feet, more or less.
     Also––FRANCES, a negro woman, aged about 27 years; and WILLIAM, a negro boy, aged about 11 years.
     Terms and Conditions.––The house and lot to be sold one third cash, and the balance in one and two years from day of sale. The slaves on a credit of one and two years from day of sale; purchasers are required to furnish their notes with good and sufficient security in solido made payable to the order of the natural tutor of the minor children, and conditioned to bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum from their respective dates until paid, and the property to be and remain specificaly mortgaged in favor of the said estate, until full and entire payment of said notes and interest.
                                            W.F. HAIFLEIGH, Sheriff.
Parish of St. Mary, Jan. 27, 1853.

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