Thursday, May 28, 2015

Those Places Thursday: Swedish Club of Chicago

Swedish Club of Chicago. 2 February 2010. Photo by Smallbones. Public domain. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

My second cousin once removed Carla told me that she remembered seeing my grandparents, father, and aunt at the Swedish Club of Chicago for a holiday dinner. Since I had many Swedish relatives in Chicago, that was probably not the only occasion that members of my family spent there.

The Swedish Club was formed in 1882 by members of the immigrant singing society Föreningen Freja. It was originally located at 155 East Chicago Avenue. On 13 April 1896, the Swedish Club of Chicago moved to 470 North LaSalle Street; when the streets of Chicago were renumbered, the club's address became 1258 North LaSalle Street. At that time, the neighborhood was known as Swede Town.

The club sponsored holiday dinners, New Years' celebrations, Svithiod Day (midsummer) celebrations, herring breakfasts, dinner dances, golf outings, travelogues, and exhibitions of Swedish-American art. It published the Swedish Club News.

The Swedish Club of Chicago closed in November 1984, after an auction. The building was added to the National Register of Historic Places on 2 December 1985.

"Everything But Memories Auctioned at Swedish Club." Chicago Tribune, 19 November 1984, section 2, page 1.
"500 Eat Herrring at Swedish Club." Chicago Tribune, 25 January 1954, part 2, page 8.
National Register of Historical Places - ILLINOIS (IL), Cook County
"Pallet and Pencil: The Swedish Club of Chicago Holds its Fourth Art Exhibit." Svenska Tribunen-Nyheter, 27 April 1915.
"Swedes Mark Svithiod Day with Funfare." Chicago Tribune, 22 June 1952, part 3, page 2.
Swedish Club of Chicago 
"Swedish Club Outing Begins with Herring." Chicago Tribune, 28 June 1964, section 10, page 3.
"Swedish Club's 28th Art Show Opens Tonight." Chicago Tribune, 21 November 1953, part 1, page 17.
Swedish-American Archives of Greater Chicago Manuscript Collection #34: Swedish Club of Chicago Records, 1910-1984

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