Friday, May 8, 2015

Friend of Friends Friday: Estate Inventory of Mayo Children, Legatees of William Isbell

When my 6th-great-grandfather William Isbell passed away, he left 57 acres of land and three slaves to the children of his deceased daughter Ann (Isbell) Mayo, my 5th-great-grandmother: William Mayo, Mary W. Mayo, James W. Mayo, Thomas Mayo, Elias L. Mayo, Jacob D. Mayo (my 4th-great-grandfather), and Stephen L. Mayo. The children's father, my 5th-great-grandfather Stephen Mayo, acted as their guardian.

Guardians' Account Book, 1794 - 1852. Fluvanna County, Virginia. Microfilm reel 24 or 59, Library of Virginia.

An inventory of the estate of William Mayo Mary W. Mayo James W. Mayo, Thomas Mayo Elias L. Mayo Jacob D. Mayo and Stephen L. Mayo Infants of Stephen Mayo and Legatees of William Isbell deceased which hath come to my hands as Guardian for the said Infants to wit.

The 13th Lot of Land containing fifty seven acres lying in the County of Goochland

One negro woman named Minny } Received from the admin-
One negro Girl named Aikey (?) } istrators of William Isbell
One negro Boy named Barnett } deceased.
                                                          Stephen Mayo Guardian
                                                          July 25th 1808

At a Court held for Fluvanna County on monday the 25th day of July 1808. This Inventory of the estate of William Mayo Mary W. Mayo James W. Mayo Thomas Mayo Elias L. Mayo Jacob D. Mayo and Stephen L. Mayo Infants of Stephen Mayo and Legatees of William Isbell deceased was this day returned by the said Stephen Mayo their Guardian and ordered to be recorded.
                                                                     John Timberlake C. F. C.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I was wondering if you'd had your DNA done? I'm fairly certain my fiance' is some how related to William Isbell. (
