Sunday, April 12, 2015

Halifax Resolves

Halifax Resolves plaque, North Carolina State Capitol, Raleigh, North Carolina. Photo by Daderot [Public domain], 5 October 2011. Available from Wikimedia Commons.

On 12 April 1776, the Fourth North Carolina Provincial Congress authorized North Carolina's delegates to the Second Continental Congress (Joseph Hewes, William Hooper, and John Penn) to vote for independence. This action was the first to call for independence. It was directed to all the colonies and their delegates at the Continental Congress. Because the Fourth Provincial Congress met in Halifax, North Carolina, the action became known as the Halifax Resolves.

Halifax Resolves
The Halifax Resolves (North Carolina History: A Digital Textbook)
Halifax Resolves (North Carolina Manual)
Historic Halifax: Halifax and the Revolution
North Carolina Advocates Independence

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