Monday, April 6, 2015

Amanuensis Monday: Joseph S. Tarkington's Southern Claims Commission Claim: Cross-Examination of Witness, Jack Smith

Joseph S. Tarkington filed Louisiana claim #12265 with the Southern Claims Commission. One of the witnesses was Jack Smith, his former slave and employee. When Joseph married Nancy (Sanders) Theall (the widow of Joseph Theall), Jack became his slave. Jack's cross-examination is transcribed below.

Cross-examination of witness, Jack Smith, by the Commissioner

My name is Jack Smith, I am 45 years old, and reside at present at 20 St. James St. New Orleans La. I am at present working as a gardner [sic]. Before the war I resided in the Parish of St. Mary La. J. S. Tarkington was my master, for thirty years before the war, I became his servant through marriage, and I resided with him until the close of the war, but after the proclamation of emancipation he paid me wages. I left him in 1865, because he broke up, being too poor to continue farming. The claimant was always called a Union man among the coloured people. I have heard the claimant openly speak against the Confederates to white people, and if he had been a younger man they would have prosecuted him. I know that the claimant never took any part in the war and did all in his power to assist the Union cause. I heard the claimant urge the young men at the Court house not to go to the Confederate Army, but I do not know of any other act done or language used by claimant which would have prevented him establishing his loyalty to the Confederacy. I have no interest in this claim.


                                                            Jack x Smith

Sworn before me this
12th day of April 1872
Wm. Grant

Cross-examination of witness, Jack Smith, 12 April 1872; Orleans Parish, Louisiana claim no. 12265 (Joseph S. Tarkington), Allowed Case Files, Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880; Settled Accounts and Claims, Third Auditor. Records of the Treasury Department Accounting Officers, Record Group 217. National Archives, Washington, DC. Available from Fold3.

Cross-examination of witness, Jack Smith, 12 April 1872; Orleans Parish, Louisiana claim no. 12265 (Joseph S. Tarkington), Allowed Case Files, Southern Claims Commission, 1871-1880; Settled Accounts and Claims, Third Auditor. Records of the Treasury Department Accounting Officers, Record Group 217. National Archives, Washington, DC. Available from Fold3.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I've added the link to the Slave Name Roll project page.
