Friday, March 20, 2015

World Storytelling Day

March 20 is World Storytelling Day. It began in Sweden when an event was organized for March 20 in approximately 1991-1992, Alla berattares dag (All Storytellers Day). The day continued to be celebrated throughout Sweden. March 20 was also the National Day of Storytellers in Mexico and other Latin American countries. In Perth, Australia in 1997, a five-week Celebration of Story was held,and March 20 was celebrated as the International Day of Oral Narrators. The Scandinavian storytelling network Ratatosk started in approximately 2001, and in 2002, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Lithuania began holding storytelling events on March 20. Canada and other countries began observing the event in 2003, and it became known as World Storytelling Day. The day celebrates oral storytelling. People throughout the world tell stories in many places, in many languages.

My uncle John "Dobby" Boe is a professional storyteller. The places he has performed at include the Bay Area Storytelling Festival, the Sonoma Storytelling Festival, the Diablo Valley College Ethnic Storytelling Festival, International House Davis, UC Davis Picnic Day, and the Freight and Salvage Coffeehouse. He appeared on ABC's 20/20.

Storyteller Visits I-House on Sunday
UC Davis: University Writing Program : John Boe, Emeritus
World Storytelling Day
World Storytelling Day: A Global Celebration of Storytelling

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