Thursday, January 22, 2015

Historic German Newspapers Online

I recently purchased Historic German Newspapers Online. It was compiled by Ernest Thode and published by Genealogical Publishing Company in 2014. The book contains two lists of German-language newspapers: one arranged by current country, place of publication, and title; and the other arranged by title, dates, and key. The key to abbreviations is included at the beginning of the book.

I am 1/4 German, so this book is of great interest to me. I have already begun looking at the newspapers online. I would love to find more information on my family, but even if I do not find their names mentioned, I can still learn more about their communities and about the events of the times.

Ahrweiler Kreisblatt, zugleich Anzeiger für die Städte Remagen und Sinzig, 8 Juni 1862. Available from Universität Bonn.

I have ancestors from Remagen. The above clipping gives me information about train rides in the area.

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