Sunday, September 7, 2014

Church Record Sunday: Südbadische Standesbücher

Church records from southern Baden are available online at The records, which are held by Staatsarchiv Freiburg, cover the years 1810-1870, although the full date range may not be available for every locality.

I have ancestors from southern Baden, so I was very excited when I learned that these records are available online. I have been looking at Catholic church records from Görwihl and Niederwihl.

I found the birth record for my 3rd-great-grandmother Maria Bär in the Görwihl Catholic church records:

Birth record, Maria Bär, 10 September 1818. Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5711, Bild 94. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Geburtenbuch 1810-1869.

I found the marriage record for my 3rd-great-grandparents Jakob Dreier and Franziska Schäuble in the Niederwihl Catholic church records:

Marriage record, Jakob Dreier and Franziska Schäuble, 1848. Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5776, Bild 81. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Niederwihl, Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Heiratsbuch 1810-1869.

I found the death record for my 4th-great-grandmother Eva Stäuble in the Niederwihl Catholic church records:

Death record, Eva Stäuble, 21 December 1858. Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5777, Bild 174. Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Niederwihl, Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Sterbebuch 1810-1869.

I found the death record for my 3rd-great-grandfather Fridolin Gersbacher (also known as Fridolin Gerspacher) in the Görwihl Catholic church records:

Death record, Fridolin Gersbacher, 23 February 1865. Staatsarchiv Freiburg L 10 Nr. 5713, Bild 221.
Permalink: Standesbücher / 1810-1870 > Waldshut; Amtsgericht > Görwihl WT; Katholische Gemeinde: Sterbebuch 1810-1869.

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