Sunday, July 13, 2014

CelebrateHAMILTON events, July 13, 2014

 Alexander Hamilton. Oil on canvas portrait by John Trumbull, 1806.

Today I attended the July 13 CelebrateHAMILTON events, which were organized by the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society. The day began at 12:00 PM, at the Paterson Great Falls Historical National Park in Paterson, New Jersey, at the Alexander Hamilton statue.

Paterson Great Falls

Hamilton and other investors founded the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, which developed Paterson into the first planned industrial city.

Schuyler-Hamilton House

At 2:00 PM, I headed over to the Schuyler-Hamilton House (also known as the Jabez Campfield House) in Morristown, New Jersey. The house is owned by the Morristown chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. I took a tour of the house and listened to a presentation on Alexander Hamilton's love letters.

Washington's Headquarters Museum, Morristown National Historical Park

At 3:30 PM, I went to Washington's Headquarters Museum at Morristown National Historical Park to hear the talk "The Indispensable Founder." The contributions of the Founding Fathers to the economic system, judicial branch, legislative branch, executive branch, the Constitution and ratification were analyzed. Hamilton had the greatest overall contributions.

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