Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Librarians' Day and FamilySearch NGS Media/Blogger Dinner

Today I attended the Librarians' Day pre-conference program, sponsored by ProQuest, at the Library of Virginia. Leslie Anderson, reference librarian, Special Collections, Alexandria Library, spoke about the creation of the Virginia Slave Births Index, 1853-1865. Louise Jones, Director of Special Collections and Library at Kentucky Historical Society, spoke about the creation of finding aids and facilitating access to archival collections. William Forsyth, Director of Product Management, ProQuest, spoke about resources for researching the War of 1812, the Civil War, and World War I, and also mentioned some of Ancestry.com's new offerings, such as Quaker records. We heard about the free African-American genealogy resource AfriGeneas. Jason Harrison, research consultant, FamilySearch, spoke about the FamilySearch Wiki. Renee Savits, project coordinator, spoke about the Civil War 150 Legacy Project; original sources relating to the Civil War, such as letters and manuscripts, are identified, located, and digitized.

This evening I attended the FamilySearch NGS Media/Blogger Dinner. We heard that indexed obituaries will be available on FamilySearch; more information on the project is available at https://familysearch.org/blog/en/indexing-obituaries-faq/. A new indexing program is coming soon; it will include enhanced project selection and the ability to join multiple indexing groups. A worldwide indexing event will take place between Sunday, July 20, 6:00 PM (MDT) and Monday, July 21, 6:00 PM (MDT). FamilySearch's free Civil War records were also mentioned.

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