Friday, May 2, 2014

52 Ancestors: #17 Christian Christophersen Roch, Sorenskriver (Magistrate) of Øvre Telemark, Norway

My 8th- and 9th-great-grandfather Christian Christophersen Roch was born about 1631 in Jutland, Denmark. In 1662 he was appointed sorenskriver (magistrate) of Øvre Telemark, Norway.

Rian, Øystein. Da embetsmenn og kjøpmenn gjorde revolusjon i Telemark. Samfunn og mennesker på 1600-tallet. Skrifter Telemark distriktshøgskole nr. 122. Bø: Telemark distriktshøgskole, 1987. Page 20. Available from

On 24 February 1664, Christian married. According to a short biographical article on, Christian married Ædel (Adele) Tykesdatter in 1664. The entry for Christian on the Ættesoga - familieband til Kviteseid Web site states that his wife was Adele (or Ædel) Tykjesdotter. However, according to the Seljord, Telemark parish register, Christian's wife was Dorothea Taargiulsdatter.

Telemark county, Seljord, Parish register (official) nr. I 1 (1654-1686), Chronological list 1664, page 43.

I have not found another marriage record for Christian. I found his wife Adele's death/burial record in the Seljord parish registers; she died on 29 May 1707.

I recently ordered the book "Rokkerova" : ei ættesogu fraa Telemarki, by Kjetil A. Flatin and Tov Flatin (Skien: Norig, 1917) from This book contains information on Christian Christophersen Roch and his family. Hopefully when the book arrives, there will be more information that will help me to figure out how many times he was married and who the mothers of his children were (especially his youngest daughter Hilleborg, my 7th- and 8th-great-grandmother). The article on states that he had fifteen children and that three of them were illegitimate.

The article also states that Christian had a reputation for being a difficult man who exploited his position and held several farms; he lived in Øverland, but also held Øvre Klomset, Aase, and Bjørge. Øystein Rian writes about a 1683 law that allowed the military to help collect unpaid taxes.

Rian, Øystein. Da embetsmenn og kjøpmenn gjorde revolusjon i Telemark. Samfunn og mennesker på 1600-tallet. Skrifter Telemark distriktshøgskole nr. 122. Bø: Telemark distriktshøgskole, 1987. Page 35. Available from

According to, Christian was deposed in 1683, and Ættesoga - familieband til Kviteseid states that he was sorenskriver from 1662 to 1683. Rian states that he was deposed in 1688.

Rian, Øystein. Da embetsmenn og kjøpmenn gjorde revolusjon i Telemark. Samfunn og mennesker på 1600-tallet. Skrifter Telemark distriktshøgskole nr. 122. Bø: Telemark distriktshøgskole, 1987. Page 21. Available from

Christian died in Seljord, Telemark, Norway on 23 January 1708.

Telemark county, Seljord, Parish register (official) nr. I 2 (1689-1713), Death and burial records 1708, page 326.


  1. The marriage between Christian and Ædle took place over several 'stages'/weeks. January/February 1664.

    Please look more carefully on:

    On January 31 (Sunday) 1664 (A mass i Flatdal Church): Line number 5 mentions the first stage for the marriage for Christian and Ædle TygisDatter.

    On February 7 (Sunday): In line 3 - 5, the marriage stage 2 is performed for Christian and Ædell TygisDatter.

    On February 21 (a mass at Seljord Church): At line 3 and 4 we see the Third stage of their marriage. Ædel TygisDatter is mentioned at the last part of line 4.

    Finally, at February 24 (Wednesday) 1664: In row 2 and 3 we see the 'final stage' of their marriage. The name Ædele is mentioned on the last part in 3 and her surname is split Ty-gisDatter.

    The Dorothea is about another matter (Baptism - Døpt).

    Please also notice the surname of Roch. It is spelled Raack in the Church protocol.

  2. About his three illegitimate children (Source book; Seljord volume II(Author Tov Flatin) - page 441)

    Christian C Roch had 2 children with Helga Aasmundsdatter, and 1 child with Maren Kristoffersdatter.

  3. Thank you! I found the handwriting on that image very difficult to read.

  4. In Chruch protocol it says:
    24. Februa: DIE CINERUM Bededags Precken udi Sille-giord:
    Wiet ærlig oc Welært Christian Christopherson Raack Sorenskriver
    *****Øst-fjeldene, med ærlig oc Gudfrycktig Pige Adele Ty-

    Unautorized translation:
    February 24th: WEDNESDAY, Prayer seremony in Seljord;
    Married, honest and well-taught Christian Christopherson Raack Judge
    in East-mountain District, With honest and Godly girl Adele TygisDaughter.

    The first appearance I have found in the Church protocol about Adele TygisDatter is in March 1659. She then was a mentor in a baptism of Gabriel (one of the sons of the priest i Seljord).

  5. Regarding the other ceremony February 24:
    "Døbt, skiert oc Christnet"

    Baptized, 'purified' and Christened

    By the way; I am also a relative of Roch, and his youngest daughter; Helleboræ (Hilleborg)

  6. I too am a descendent of Hilleborg Christiansdatter Roch (1685-1754). She was my 5th great grandmother. There is also quite a lot of information about Sorenskriver Christian Roch in the Seljord Bygdebok. Feel free to contact me.
